Thursday, February 14, 2008

I agree with the majority of the advice given on the website. From personal experience, I know the author is correct when he/she talks about writing a cover letter that addresses what the applicant can do for the company, not the other way around. I also agree that it is necessary to research the company you are applying for before you do so. This, along with following up after you send your cover letter and resume, shows the applicant’s interest in the company or organization.

On the other hand, there was some advice given that I don’t necessarily agree with. For example, the author discusses the use of a testimonial as a “highly effective way to get your message across.” I agree with this statement, but I don’t know how effective it would be to attach a copy of a testimonial along with a resume. I feel that if most employers don’t even take the time to read a cover letter, they are not going to want to read a testimonial.

The other problem I had with the advice given was the suggestion to write a postscript on a cover letter. Although it probably could create emphasis, I feel that a postscript is very informal and should not be included in document as formal as a cover letter. Even though the prospective employer may read it first, I still think everything you want to say should be included within the body of the letter.

I thought the most useful part of the article was when the author explained that most employers just look at the applicant’s resume and then go on to read the cover letter if they are interested. This just goes to show me how outstanding my resume has to be in order for it to stick out amongst all of the other applicants.

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